Er der bare tale om en inu en idiot, der bare er blevet taget godt og grundigt i røven, af jyske bank.
Welkom in the Danish Banks.
To those who trust that Denmark is not a corrupt country.
The question is more how many people in Denmark use bribery or corruption to achieve something, like here to keep a case of millions fraud out of court.
Only after 44 months of continuous work, probably 3,000 hours of work, do we succeed in getting our claims against Jyske Bank presented to the court
As we only after, we ourselves have made sure to present the client’s fraud claim against Jyske Bank, in the Danish courts.
Then our new lawyer takes over and makes the new allegation, with a whole lot of new allegations.
What we have asked for presented since 2016.
So not new allegations, but just a whole lot of allegations that our now fired lawyer Lundgren’s lawyers refused to submit, as their cooperation with Jyske Bank did not allow a fraud case
Against the same Jyske Bank.
Then we got a new lawyer on the case, and looked at the annexes.
A customer of Jyske Bank does not understand why Anders Christian Dam will not just meet.
A customer of the Danish fraud bank, in connection with the firing of their lawyers Lundgrens, for apparently having received a bribe from Jyske Bank.
Maybe directly by CEO Anders Dam for not presenting the client’s fraud allegations to Jyske Bank A / S.
The Danish courts have announced this is why Lundgren’s lawyers are retiring.
In Danish, has been fired.
Which Jyske Bank Board member Philip Baruch, by Lund Elmer Sandager Advokater has rejected should have happened.
Lundgren’s lawyers have commented that these disqualification issues are purely conspiracy theories, and have nothing on them.
Whether Lundgren’s lawyers at Dan Terkildsen himself should be called as a witness.
And the court can explain why Lundgren’s lawyers have not presented the client’s allegations against Jyske Bank for fraud and fraud, while Lundgren’s lawyers.
Presumably by Jyske Bank has been given Lundgrens around 15-20 million Danish kroner to give Jyske Bank advice.
Which could provide a better illumination of Lundgren’s moving grounds, to thwart their small client.
Who now for a third time must have a new lawyer.
Since Jyske Bank has strongly distanced itself from possibly having used a return commission, or a bribe in the case, in order that the applicant’s claims against Jyske Bank should not be presented i court.
The plaintiff has therefore just 1. November submitted an Appendix 168. Becomes 168.A in the case
The annex is from Lundgren’s website, where they write that Lundgrens has advised Jyske Bank, in a transaction for a three-digit million amount, in Danish kroner.
“More precisely about 600 million Danish kroner.”
After the fraudulent exposed client in Jyske Bank has met with their new lawyer.
And that has gone through the case, and is confirmed in the fact that these are not conspiracy theories, but that they are facts.
The client tells their new lawyer that they are actually satisfied that Jyske Bank is convicted of fraud and forgery false.
Following the allegations which the plaintiff himself had to make in the closing plea, which Lundgrens was certainly paid not to present.
Clearly, the plaintiff would have included the seriousness of Jyske Bank, in all likelihood, bribing the plaintiff’s lawyer, not to present the client’s fraud allegations against the defendant danish bank Jyske Bank.
Prosecutions directed directly at the bank’s overall Board of Directors to stand together in association with, the Jyske Bank Group’s continued and very serious failure business against the bank’s customer.
The plaintiff also states that in three submitted letters from 2018, the group management is all offered that they could actually discharge their mandate.
Know that the board members who chose to sign
Jyske Bank has been exposed to fraud for a number of years and will no longer be contributing to Jyske Bank causing fraud, the members could sign and return the letter to the applicant.
By signing, the members of Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors could be exempt from liability.
It is stated that not a single member of Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors / Group Management has wanted to stop the fraud against the bank’s customer.
That with the inner circle in Jyske Bank by CEO Anders Christian Dam, seems to have paid Lundgren’s lawyers, through the use of a return commission.
The applicant’s allegations against Jyske Bank appear to be corroborated only as true charges.
When Jyske Bank is ready to lie in the court itself, by Lund Elmer Sandager and in this case has lied to the court, to want to disappoint in legal matters, and then to continue deceive the bank’s customer.
Anders Christian Dam
0045 22227713
This is a continuing hand, which since May 2016 has been hould out against Jyske Bank’s Board of Directors.
And most be especially clear to you Anders Dam.
If you have found something that does not fit, then let’s meet and review the evidence, tell us which places Jyske Bank disagrees with the dokumation.
If there is anything about Jyske bank and the management says that is untrue?
Should we then not meet, and at the same time get the places that have been written accusations against Jyske Bank if there is no team in any of the accusations.
This small matter, Jyske Bank’s foundation emphasizes, and running a fair banking business is not part of the board’s wishes.
If we are wrong, we ask the Jyske Bank Group Management for dialogue.
Anders Dam old boy, call now at +45 22227713
And let’s meet, we’re a little tired of one-way communication, after all, it takes 2 to have a dialogue.
The applicant states that they would still like to receive the court’s offer of litigation.
Which Jyske Bank has shown no desire.
That the plaintiff has repeatedly asked the management of the continuing fraud to meet, no one can doubt, therefore we would like to repeat
Jyske Bank is welcome
Just call.
Show that Jyske Bank is an open and reputable bank
Show that Jyske Bank is a fair and honest bank.
In Denmark it is David against Goliath
Thus, the largest Danish banks do business.
And all customers are as vulnerable as we are, the question is just who will be the next victim of Danish bank fraud.
Remember this here is all our thoughts in an open diary.
The plaintiff’s new attorney has obtained a copy of the closing plea of August 28, 2019.
The plaintiff, who is poor at writing, and probably also slightly dyslexic, has stated that there are some typos and corrects these errors to the best of his ability.
But as a starting point, the lawsuit contains the allegations that Rødstenen’s lawyers and Lundgren’s lawyers have countered were presented.
Whether Lundgren’s lawyers saw Jyske Bank’s Group Management been honored for helping Jyske Bank keep the fraud case out of court by continuing a case of bad advice.
You can think about for a bit of time.
Jyske Bank can be contacted here +45 89898989
the company
Storbjerg Business
Soevej 5.
3100. Hornbaek
Phone 0045 22227713
When it comes to Danish banks, it’s about cheating their customers as much as possible, and banks like Jyske Bank go so far as to expose customers to fraud.
Then it is only a moment before some customer finds evidence that the Danish bank Jyske Bank is going really far for their shareholders.
We can mention here a few of them, Nykredit, Codan, ATP.
Atp’s board of directors does not mind Jyske bank exposing customers to fraud, and will not interfere.
Falou the small players fight against the evael big danish bank Jyske Bank at www Banknyt dk
Modsat Maersk, der fik fyret ledelsen i DEN DANSKE BANK, har jyske bank ATP som den største aktionær i jyske bank, diriktør i ATP har meddelt at ATP ikke vil blande sig, i Jyske Banks foretninger, ATP’s diriktion og Ledelse, er fuld ud bevidste om, at ATP der er hoved aktionærer i jyskebank, også har set beviser for at jyske bank udsætter os kunder, for et omfattende svig forhold.
Det syntes at det er tale om nogle uenige heder 🙂
Påstande mod jyske bank for groft SVIG hober sig op, links til Havkatten er fra 2016, og ubesvaret
Following the many money laundering cases in Danish banks such as Jyske Bank, Danske Bank and Nordea.
We then ask if some Danish banks also lie to the court if banks that commit fraud are discovered.
We also ask about some Danish banks, use bribes to disappoint in legal matters.
Uses Danish banks bribery.
And if so, how widespread is bribery in Denmark.
Which companies in Denmark take bribes.
Takes some Danish lawyers against bribery, from Danish banks.
Does the Danish government care whether some Danish banks use fraud or bribery ?
just asking.
Efter de mange hvidvasknings sager i Danske banker som Jyske Bank,Danske Bank og Nordea.
Vi spørger så om nogle danske banker også lyver over for retten, hvis banker som laver svig bliver opdaget.
Vi spørger også om nogle danske banker, bruger bestikkelse for at skuffe i retsforhold.
Altså bruger danske banker bestikkelse, og hvis ja, hvor udbredt er bestikkelse i Danmark.
Hvilken virksomheder i Danmark tager mod bestikkelse.
Tager nogle Danske advokater mod bestikkelse, fra Danske banker.
Er den danske regering ligeglade med, om nogle danske banker bruger svig eller bestikkelse.
Spørger bare.
Kunde i stort dansk Advokat virksomhed, mener at Lundgrens advokater har modtaget retur kommision, af jyske bank, mod ikke at fremlægge klientens påstande som svig og falsk påstande imod jyske bank
17-10 Det er påstande som disse, om at jyske bank driver en uredelig / svigagtig bankforretning, som vi igen her opdater, de nævnte bilag som er nævnt, er nu fremlagt overfor retten.
Først 21. september 2019. kommer snakken, her ind på at jyske bank, muligvis har bestukket Lundgrens advokater, til ikke at fremlægge noget af det Lundgrens, ellers meget klart er blevet bedt om at fremlægge overfor retten.
Dan Terkildsen der var vores advokat, frem, til vi valgte at fyrer Lundgrens 25. Septemper 2019. efter mistanke for at Lundgrens har taget mod bestikkelse fra Jyske Bank, i form af million honorar, for at rådgive jyske bank, og derfor bevidst bagefter har modarbejdet vores sag, om million svig mod jyske bank.
Dan Terkildsen der er Dommer i voldgiftsretten, har svært ved at se det kan ligne korruption / bestikkelse, at tage mod million opgaver fra Jyske Bank, og samtidig vælger ikke at fremlægge klientens påstande mod jyske bank for svig og falsk, som Lundgrens advokater var hyret til, bare 1 måneds tid tidligere.
Vi må vel oplyse, og fremlægge for retten, hvorfor Lundgrens er blevet fyret, og at vi samtidig henstiller Jyske Banks bestyrelsen Philip Baruch, om at Jyske Bank, hverken direkte eller indirekte, indlede noget sammen arbejde, uanset hvor smart koncernenledelsen i jyske bank måtte syntes at det ikke er ment som Korruption.
Følg med på BANKNYT dk
Her deles vores påstande mod jyske bank for svigagtighed.
Spørgsmål er, hvis disse påstande er bevist, om jyske bank dermed også er en samfunds skadelig virksomhed, noget som Lundgrens nok ikke vil overveje er muligt, da Lundgrens direkte selv arbejder for jyske bank.
Husk at det her er bare for sjovt, og for at prikke lidt til en sikkert hæderlig jysk bank, der er gode til at skjule sandheden, og bestemt også gode til at lyve.
Anders Dam, din gamle sørøver ring nu til os på 22227713.
Har du demens, så tag trøjen du har fået på, så har du nummeret både på ryggen og på brystet.